

"This thrilling film full of unexpected twists tells the story of the famous Iranian tigress Maya, and is a masterful presentation of our relationship with wild animals and the natural world around us." - One world film festival

Daily life at one of Iran's biggest zoos is interrupted when Mohsen, the head keeper, takes Maya, a 4 year old Bengal tiger, to perform in a fiction film in the north of the country.  Mohsen transports Maya to an old sanctuary near the film shoot on the edge of the Caspian Sea which was once home to the now extinct caspian tiger.  

As Maya prowls through the open fields, savouring her first taste of freedom, her latent instincts awaken, and the close ties between tiger and trainer begin to unravel. 

A true, modern-day story that unfolds with all the twists, turns, and pathos of a timeless fable, this intimate and empathetic documentary brings us up close and personal with both its animal and human subjects, underlining the troubling power dynamics that have existed between humans and animals since the dawn of domestication.